Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on ReligionInstitute for Studies of Relgion

2025 Volume 21

Article 2:
The Labors of a Positive Deviance Profession
Author: Druann Maria Heckert (Fayetteville State University), Alex Heckert (Indiana University of Pennsylvania), Hideki Morooka (Fayetteville State University), and Kelsey Heckert (Millersville University)

Article 1:
Islam, Secularism, and Middle East Democracy: A Conjoint Analysis
Author: Hannah M. Ridge (Chapman University)

2024 Volume 20

Article 8:
Is Homosexuality in the Priesthood Diminishing? Evidence from Two Surveys of Catholic Priests in the United States
Author: Mark Regnerus (The University of Texas at Austin), Brad Vermurlen (University of St. Thomas), and Stephen Cranney (The Catholic University of America)

Article 7:
Book Talk: Religious Appeals in Power Politics
Author: Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Ariel Zellman (Bar-Ilan University) Author's Reply: Peter Henne (2023, Cornell University Press)

Article 6:
Exposure to Worldview Pluralism and Adopting an Atheistic Worldview
Author: Katie E. Corcoran and Christopher P. Scheitle (West Virginia University)

Article 5:
Book Talk: No Congregation Is an Island: How Faith Communities Navigate Opportunities and Challenges Together
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Kevin D. Dougherty (Baylor University) Author's Reply: Jennifer M. McClure Haraway(2023, Rowman & Littlefield)

Article 4:
A Corpus-Based Comparison of Keywords and Themes from The Book of Mormon and the Bible
Author: Brett Hashimoto and Joshua Cowley (Brigham Young University)

Article 3:
Book Talk: Stuck: Why Clergy Are Alienated From Their Calling, Congregation, and Career...and What To Do About It
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Mark Killian (Whitworth University, Sociology Department) Author's Reply: Todd W. Ferguson and Josh Packard (2022, Fortress Press)

Article 2:
A Quantitative Integrative Review of Personal Jurisdiction in Romans 1 Legal Exegesis and Its Implications on Christian Gentile Homonegative Doctrines
Author: Jonathan Brackens (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth)

Article 1:
Book Talk: In This Place Called Prison: Women’s Religious Life in the Shadow of Punishment
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Cesraéa Rumpf (University of Illinois Chicago) Author's Reply: Rachel Ellis (2023, University of California Press)

2023 Volume 19

Article 7:
Measuring Ethnodoxy in Egypt and Morocco
Author: Hannah M. Ridge, Ph.D. (Chapman University)

Article 6:
A Meta-Analysis: How to Best Foster the Success of African American and Latino Students with Disabilities and Those of Them in Special Education, the Place of Faith, and Other Factors
Author: William H. Jeynes, Ph.D. (California State University)

Article 5:
Saint Thomas in the East
Author: Daryn Graham, Ph.D. (Macquarie University)

Article 4:
Book Talk: Solidarity in a Secular Age: From Political Theology to Jewish Philosophy
Author: Author: Reviewer's Response: Martin Kavka (Florida State University) Author's Reply: Charles H. T. Lesch (2022, Oxford University Press)

Article 3:
Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Identity and Group Participation in U.S. College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Differences in Quality of Life and Psychological Distress
Author: Christopher R. Dabbs, Ph.D. (Knox College) and Carrie L. Winterowd, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University)

Article 2:
Book Talk: Apocalypse without God: Apocalyptic Thought, Ideal Politics, and the Limits of Utopian Hope
Author: Reviewer's Response: Gregory Claeys (University of London) Author's Reply: Ben Jones (2022, Cambridge University Press)

Article 1:
Book Talk: Believing in South Central: Everyday Islam in the City of Angels
Author: Reviewer's Response: Omar McRoberts (University of Chicago) Author's Reply: Pamela J. Prickett (2021, University of Chicago Press)

2022 Volume 18

Article 11:
Muslim American Women’s Attitudes toward Islamic Law: Support or Rejection?
Author: Fatima Z. Rahman, PhD (Soka University of America)

Article 10:
Book Talk: Work Pray Code: When Work Becomes Religion in Silicon Valley
Author: Reviewer's Response: Scotty McLennan (Stanford Graduate School of Business) Author's Reply: Carolyn Chen (2022, Princeton University Press)

Article 9:
Book Talk: Race and the Power of Sermons on American Politics
Author: Reviewer's Response: Corwin E. Smidt (Calvin University) Author's Reply: R. Khari Brown, Ronald E. Brown, and James S. Jackson (2021, University of Michigan Press)

Article 8:
A ‘Sanctified’ Language: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Perception of Latin and its Role in the Mass for American Catholics
Author: David Johnson, Ph.D. (Kennesaw State University) and Jennifer Priestley, Ph.D. (Kennesaw State University)

Article 7:
Are Religious “Nones” Really Not Religious?: Revisiting Glenn, Three Decades Later
Author: Jeff Levin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Matt Bradshaw, Ph.D., Byron R. Johnson, Ph.D., Rodney Stark, Ph.D. (Baylor University)

Article 6:
Voddie Baucham and the Gnostics Who Have No Love: Boundary Work and a Rhetorical Exposé of Social Justice within Evangelicalism
Author: G. Brandon Knight (William Carey University)

Article 5:
A Corpus-Based Comparison of Modality in Evangelical Christian and Zen Buddhist Books
Author: Charles M Mueller (Fuji Women’s University), Peter Richardson (Hokkaido Bunkyo University), Baramee Kheovichai (Silpakorn University), and Miori Nagashima (Hokkaido University)

Article 4:
Book Talk: Society and the Death of God
Author: Reviewer's Response: Robert A. Thomson, Jr. (The University of Alabama in Huntsville) Author's Reply: Sal Restivo (2021, Routledge)

Article 3:
Sociodemographic Predictors of Buddhist Religious Engagement Among Thai Adolescents and Young Adults
Author: Sakesun Siriphadung (Independent Researcher) and Michael Christopher (Pacific University)

Article 2:
Digital Theology: New Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research Between the Humanities and Theology
Author: Jens Dörpinghaus (University of Pretoria)

Article 1:
Book Talk - The Power of the Sacred: An Alternative to the Narrative of Disenchantment
Author: Reviewer's Response: Richard Madsen (University of California, San Diego) Author's Reply: Hans Joas (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

2021 Volume 17

Article 5:
Household Income, Household Size and Charitable Giving
Author: Alan Chan (Crandall University)

Article 4:
Confucian Values, Depression and Suicidal Ideation Among Rural Chinese
Author: Jie Zhang (State University of New York College at Buffalo), Shuo Dong (Central University of Finance and Economics School of Economics, China), and David Lester (Stockton University)

Article 3:
Gendering by Design: The Visual Language of Essentialism in Evangelical Material Culture
Author: Mark Ward Sr. (University of Houston-Victoria Victoria, Texas)

Article 2:
Generation Z, Minority Millennials and Disaffiliation from Religious Communities: Not Belonging and the Cultural Cost of Unbelief
Author: Aprilfaye T. Manalang (Norfolk State University)

Article 1:
Political Activity in American Synagogues
Author: Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz, Ph.D. (Senior Director, Research and Analysis - Director, Berman Jewish DataBank - Jewish Federations of North America)

2020 Volume 16

Article 9:
Purgatory, Alms-Giving, and the Needs of the Dead
Author: Paul Delany (Simon Fraser University)

Article 8:
Gospels of Prosperity and Simplicity. Assessing Variation in the Protestant Moral Economy
Author: Maren Freudenberg (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Martin Lutz (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Martin Radermacher (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

Article 7:
Religion as Social Control: Parsons and Foucault
Author: James J. Chriss (Cleveland State University)

Article 6:
When Spiritual and Material Meet: Explaining Congregational Engagement in the Local Community
Author: Rebecca A. Glazier (University of Arkansas at Little Rock), Emilie Street (Clinton School of Public Service)

Article 5:
On Early Church Organization: An Economic Analysis of The Didache
Author: Cornelius Christian

Article 4:
Connected and Fragmented: Introducing a Social Network Study of Religious Congregations
Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)

Article 3:
The influence of religiosity and Muslim peers on the school performance of adolescents in the Netherlands, Germany, and England
Author: Dr. Susan Lee. (IMVR, University of Cologne)

Article 2:
Wisdom, Masculinity, and Health in the Book of Proverbs
Author: Kojo Okyere (University of Cape Coast, Ghana)

Article 1:
The "First Shall Remain the First" - Social Stratification and Calvinism
Author: Milan Zafirovski (University of North Texas)

2019 Volume 15

Article 8:
Effect of Religious Legislation on Religious Behavior: The Ramadan Fast
Author: Hannah M. Ridge (Duke University)

Article 7:
Consensus and Conflict: Abortion, Mainline Protestants, and Religious Restructuring Since 1960
Author: Sabrina Danielsen (Creighton University)

Article 6:
Virtues for Me or Virtues for You?: Patterns of the Perceptions of the Religious Virtues
Author: Michael A. McCann (Fuller Theological Seminary Pasadena, California), Douglas M. Stenstrom (California State University, Los Angeles, California)

Article 5:
He Goes by Mo: Drawing Boundaries Around Muslim Identities
Author: Jack Trey Allen (University of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky)

Article 4:
The entanglement of religion and politics in Europe: How and why religious and political worldviews merge in times of uncertainty
Author: Heiko Beyer (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany), Annette Schnabel (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany)

Article 3:
Fostering Interaction in a Strict Non-communal Group: A Case Study of Amish Visiting Practices
Author: Rachel E. Stein (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia), Katie E. Corcoran (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia), Corey J. Colyer (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia)

Article 2:
Religiosity as a Buffer in the Association Between Economic Disadvantage and Violence
Author: Cassady Pitt (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Chicago, Illinois) and Alfred DeMaris (Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, Ohio)

Article 1:
Religious Capital Specificity: Predicting Member Retention
Author: Katie E. Corcoran (West Virginia University Morgantown, West Virginia)

2018 Volume 14

Article 16:
Heads Down, Hearts Up: How Ukrainian Baptists Make Meaning from Their Memories of Soviet State-Sanctioned Religious Persecution
Author: Gregory S. Morrow (Future Leadership Foundation Jefferson City, Missouri), Mary E. Grigsby (University of Missouri Columbia, Missouri)

Article 15:
Metaphoric Narration: Mimesis of Mystic Experience in Hadewijch of Brabants Vision 1
Author: Catherine Caufield (Concordia University of Edmonton Edmonton, Alberta)

Article 14:
New Data and Measures on Societal Discrimination and Religious Minorities
Author: Jonathan Fox (Bar Ilan University Ramat Gan, Israel), Roger Finke (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania), Dane R. Mataic (Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania)

Article 13:
Religious Identity Formation: Constraints Imposed on Religious Institutions and Implications for the Meaning of Religious Affiliation
Author: Marc von der Ruhr (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Paul Ngo (St. Norbert College De Pere, Wisconsin), Joseph Daniels (Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Article 12:
Family Networks and the Growth of The Church of Almighty God
Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR Center for Studies on New Religions Torino, Italy)

Article 11:
Head Knowledge Isnt Enough: Bible Visualization and Congregational Culture in an Evangelical Church
Author: Mark Ward Sr. (University of Houston-Victoria Victoria, Texas)

Article 10:
The Body in Medieval Spirituality: A Rationale for Pilgrimage and the Veneration of Relics
Author: Matteo Salonia (Kings College London London, England)

Article 9:
A Linguistic and Religious Interpretation of the Word Pain in the Age of American Secularism
Author: David Johnson (Kennesaw State University Kennesaw, Georgia)

Article 8:
Same-Sex Sexuality, Marriage, and the Seminary Professor: Catholic, Evangelical, and Mainline Protestant
Author: Robert J. Priest (Taylor University Upland, Indiana)

Article 7:
Economic and Religious Freedom: One or Divisible?
Author: Peter R. Crabb (Northwest Nazarene University Nampa, Idaho)

Article 6:
Mostly Catholic or Loose Organizational Affiliation and Intergenerational Immigrant Identity: A Case Study of the Philippine-American Ecumenical Church, United Church of Christ (PAECUSA-UCC) in Detroit, Michigan
Author: Aprilfaye T. Manalang (Norfolk State University Norfolk, Virginia)

Article 5:
Ministries of Catholic Sisters in the Diocese of Cleveland: Assessing Capacity and Opportunity in a Period of Transition
Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio) and Rong Bai (Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio)

Article 4:
Gendered Motivations for Religious Exit among the Former Amish
Author: Caroline L. Faulkner (Franklin & Marshall College Lancaster, Pennsylvania)

Article 3:
Introducing the Sort-of Buddhist: Or, If There Is No �I� to Have a Religious Identity, Then How Do I Fill Out This Survey?�
Author: Anne C. Spencer (The College of Idaho Caldwell) and Scott Draper ( The College of Idaho Caldwell)

Article 2:
Religious Likes and Dislikes as Potential Explanations for Support of Sexual Minorities
Author: George Yancey (University of North Texas)

Article 1:
The Structure of Jesuss Social Network: Subgroups, Blockmodeling, and Balance
Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)

2017 Volume 13

Article 12:
Certitudo Salutis and Perseverance of the Saints: The Missing Piece in the Weberian Puritan Ethic
Author: Ottavio Palombaro (University of Milan)

Article 11:
The Ancien Régime and Calvinism: Religious, Ideological, and Related Social Conditions of Its Genesis and Development
Author: Milan Zafirovski (University of North Texas)

Article 10:
The Effect of Religious Affiliation and Religious Markets on Islamophobia in Four European Nations
Author: Linda A. Lockett (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and Ted G. Jelen (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Article 9:
The Prosperity Gospel and Individualistic Economic and Social Attitudes in Guatemala
Author: Lindsey A. Huang (Fresno Pacific University) and Gabe Ignatow (University of North Texas)

Article 8:
Strict but Not (Gender) Conservative: Refining the Strict Church Thesis in Light of Brazilian Pentecostalism
Author: Kevin Neuhouser (Seattle Pacific University)

Article 7:
Between Ideological Formatting and Subjective Experience: The Blurring Lines of New Religious Identities
Author: Patrick Laude (Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service in Qatar)

Article 6:
Christian Theology and Attitudes Toward Political and Religious Ideological Groups
Author: George Yancey (University of North Texas), Marie A. Eisenstein (Indiana University Northwest), and Ryan P. Burge (Eastern Illinois University)

Article 5:
Religion, Warrior Elites, and Property Rights
Author: R. Warren Anderson and Brooks B. Hull (University of Michigan-Dearborn)

Article 4:
"Today Is the Day of Salvation": Martin R. Delanys Struggles Against Providential Determinism in Early Nineteenth Century Black Abolitionism
Author: Tunde Adeleke (Iowa State University)

Article 3:
Providentiality: A New Measure of Religious Belief
Author: Rebecca A. Glazier (University of Arkansas at Little Rock)

Article 2:
Pragmatic Kabbalists: Bnei Baruch and the Globalization of Kabbalah
Author: Massimo Introvigne (Center for Studies on New Religions)

Article 1:
The Inclusion of Geo-Cultural, Historical, and Legal Considerations in the Analysis of Anglican and Roman Ecclesiastical Division
Author: Rutherford Cd. Johnson (University of Minnesota)

2016 Volume 12

Article 6:
Islamism in Western Europe: Milli Görüş in Germany
Author: Gönül Tol (Middle East Institute) and Yasemin Akbaba (Gettysburg College)

Article 5:
Introducing Jesuss Social Network: Support, Conflict, and Compassion
Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Samford University)

Article 4:
Religious Apps for Smartphones and Tablets: Transforming Religious Authority and the Nature of Religion
Author: Cortney Hughes Rinker, Jesse Roof, Emily Harvey, Elyse Bailey, and Hannah Embler (George Mason University)

Article 3:
The Socio-economic Contribution of Religion to American Society: An Empirical Analysis
Author: Brian J. Grim (Georgetown University) and Melissa E. Grim (Newseum Institute)

Article 2:
Fear of Love Online: The Effect of Religious Salience on the Early Adoption of Online Dating (2000-2005)
Author: Benjamin Thomas Gurrentz (Pennsylvania State University)

Article 1:
Determinants of Religious and Secular Donations in Canada
Author: Alan Chan (Crandall University) and Shu-Kam Lee (Hong Kong Shue Yan University)

2015 Volume 11

Article 14:
The Paganization Process
Author: William Sims Bainbridge

Article 13:
Faith Memes: An Analysis of Authority as Reflected in the Social Media of Churches in New Delhi
Author: Benson Rajan (MICA)

Article 12:
Increasing Sex Ratio Imbalance Among Utah Mormons: Sources and Implications
Author: Rick Phillips (University of North Florida), Ryan T. Cragun (University of Tampa), and Barry A. Kosmin (Trinity College)

Article 11:
Gifts of Time and Money: The Impact of Church Leadership Roles
Author: Robert Stonebraker

Article 10:
Believers in Christ from a Muslim Background: A Global Census
Author: Duane Alexander Miller (St. Mary's University) and Patrick Johnstone (WEC International)

Article 9:
Should Social Marketing Interventions Against Human Trafficking in Asia Focus on Religion or Economics?
Author: Vernon Murray, Prema Nakra, and Sherry Dingman (Marist College)

Article 8:
Jesus in Interaction: The Microsociology of Charisma
Author: Randall Collins (University of Pennsylvania)

Article 7:
Negative Religious Coping and Emotional Distress Among College Students: Exploring the Influences of Religiousness, Fading Affect, and Neuroticism
Author: Sherman A. Lee, Jeffrey A. Gibbons, and Andrew Hartzler (Christopher Newport University) and Jennifer K. Hartzler (Radford University)

Article 6:
Religious Monopolies, Religious Pluralism, and Secularization: The Relationship Between Religious Pluralism and Religious Participation in Sweden
Author: Eva M. Hamberg (Lund University)

Article 5:
Spinozas Use of the Psalms in the Context of His Political Project
Author: Jeffrey Morrow (Seton Hall University)

Article 4:
Goals and Information Behavior in Religious Sermons
Author: Darin Freeburg (University of South Carolina) and Daniel Roland (Kent State University)

Article 3:
Connection Between Retirement Preparation and Spiritual Activities: An Example of Faculty at an Evangelical Christian University
Author: Paul Anderson, Jau-Lian Jeng, and Daniel G. Park (Azusa Pacific University)

Article 2:
Separation Anxiety: Analyzing Media Coverage of Issues of Law and Faith in Town of Greece v. Galloway
Author: Erica Salkin (Whitworth University) and Jonah Brown (Whitworth University)

Article 1:
Are Religion and Environmentalism Complements or Substitutes?: A Club-Based Approach
Author: Feler Bose (Alma College) and Timothy M. Komarek (Old Dominion University)

2014 Volume 10

Article 10:
Explaining Atheism: Testing Hunters Durkheimian Theory
Author: Joseph Langston (University of Colorado)

Article 9:
Consumer Expenditures and the Faith Factor
Author: Vince E. Showers (Bradley University), Linda S. Showers (Illinois State University), James E. Cox, Jr. (Illinois State University), Jeri M. Beggs (Illinois State University), and Hulda G. Black (Illinois State University)

Article 8:
Religious Tradition and Involvement in Congregational Activities That Focus on the Community
Author: Jennifer M. McClure (Pennsylvania State University)

Article 7:
When Charisma Doesnt Fail: Charismatic Authority and Dissonance Management in the Case of Diamond Mountain
Author: Matthew Immergut (Purchase College, State University of New York)

Article 6:
Unpacking the Role of Mindfulness in Conscientiousness and Spirituality
Author: Maree Boyce (Queensland University of Technology) and Sukanlaya Sawang (Queensland University of Technology)

Article 5:
The Use of Servant Leadership in the United Methodist Church
Author: Jessica Dearth (Regent University) and G. R. Bud West (Regent University)

Article 4:
Is Religious Freedom Good for Business?: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis
Author: Brian J. Grim (Georgetown University), Greg Clark (Brigham Young University), and Robert Edward Snyder (Brigham Young University)

Article 3:
Catholic Young Adults' Attitudes Toward the Church's Pro-Life Teachings: A Bellwether for the Church's Political Strategy?
Author: Tia Noelle Pratt (St. Joseph's University)

Article 2:
Christian Conversion and Cultural Incongruity in Asia
Author: Rodney Stark (Baylor University) and Xiuhua Wang (Baylor University)

Article 1:
Intelligence and Religious and Political Differences Among Members of the U.S. Academic Elite
Author: Edward Dutton (University of Oulu) and Richard Lynn (University of Ulster)

2013 Volume 9

Article 13:
Deregulation and Demographic Change: A Key to Understanding Whether Religious Plurality Leads to Strife
Author: Brian J. Grim (Pew Research Center), Vegard Skirbekk (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis), and Jesus Crespo Cuaresma (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Article 12:
"I'm a Mormon Feminist": How Social Media Revitalized and Enlarged a Movement
Author: Jessica Finnigan (University of Cambridge) and Nancy Ross (Dixie State University)

Article 11:
Religious Motivations and Social Service Volunteers: The Interaction of Differing Religious Motivations, Satisfaction, and Repeat Volunteering
Author: Richard M. Clerkin (North Carolina State University) and James E. Swiss (North Carolina State University)

Article 10:
The Effect of University Characteristics on Student Religiousness: A Meta-Analysis of Catholic Universities
Author: D. Paul Sullins (The Catholic University of America)

Article 9:
The Assessment of Various Dimensions of Religious Faith Based on Four Meta-Analyses
Author: William Jeynes (California State University at Long Beach)

Article 8:
The Effects of State-Established Religion on Religious Freedom for Minorities
Author: Fatima Z. Rahman (Lake Forest College)

Article 7:
The Ambiguous Roles of Religion: The European Integration Project as a Multilevel Case
Author: Florian Grtsch (Bergische Universitt Wuppertal) and Annette Schnabel (Bergische Universitt Wuppertal)

Article 6:
Understanding British Muslim Environmentalism Using Qualitative Research Techniques and Issue Crawler Mapping Software
Author: Mohammed Ghayas Chowdhury (Lancaster University)

Article 5:
Can Sense of Coherence Be Modified by Religious/Spiritual Interventions?: A Critical Appraisal of Previous Research
Author: Florian Jeserich (University of Bayreuth)

Article 4:
The Collapse of Secular Social Capital and Religious Revival in Rural China: An Empirical Study
Author: Xiuhua Wang (Renmin University of China)

Article 3:
Religious Diversity and Religious Vitality: New Measuring Strategies and Empirical Evidence
Author: Volkhard Krech (Ruhr University), Markus Hero (Ruhr University), Stefan Huber (University of Bern), Kimmo Ketola (Church Research Institute), and Richard Traunmüller (University of Mannheim)

Article 2:
The Influence of the Quasi-Monopolistic Religious Market on Religiosity in Poland: Considerations Based on an Economic Approach
Author: Łukasz Kutyło (University of Łdź)

Article 1:
Containing the Umma?: Islam and the Territorial Question
Author: Matthew Derrick (Humboldt State University)

2012 Volume 8

Article 10:
God, Guts, and Glory: An Investigation of Relational Support Mechanisms for War Veterans Provided by Religious Communities
Author: Terry Shoemaker (Western Kentucky University)

Article 9:
Whom Do People Dislike More: Atheists or Cultists?
Author: Ryan T. Cragun (University of Tampa), Patrick Henry (Eckerd College), Casey P. Homan (University of California, Berkeley), and Joseph Hammer (Iowa State University)

Article 8:
Religion as a Credence Good and the Case Against Galileo
Author: Kristina Terkun Castro (DePaul University)

Article 7:
Pride, Sloth/Lust/Gluttony, Envy, Greed/Wrath: Rating the Seven Deadly Sins
Author: Douglas M. Stenstrom (California State University, Los Angeles) and Mathew Curtis (University of Southern California))

Article 6:
Meaning Making Under the Sacred Canopy: The Role of Orthodox Jewish Marriage Guidebooks
Author: Nurit Novis-Deutsch (University of California) and Ari Engelberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Article 5:
Liar, Liar: Adolescent Religiosity and Lying to Parents
Author: Scott A. Desmond (Indiana University Purdue University - Indianapolis) and Rachel Kraus (Ball State University)

Article 4:
Religion and Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage: The Role of Syncretism Between Denominational Teachings About Homosexuality and Personal Religious Beliefs
Author: Michael R. Woodford (University of Michigan), N. Eugene Walls (University of Denver), and Denise L. Levy (Appalachian State University)

Article 3:
The Confucian Ethic of Female Subordination and Depression Among Young People in Rural China
Author: Jie Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics) and Eric Y. Liu (Renmin University of China)

Article 2:
Women Religious in a Changing Urban Landscape: The Work of Catholic Sisters in Metropolitan Cleveland
Author: Robert L. Fischer (Case Western Reserve University) and Jennifer Bartholomew (Case Western Reserve University)

Article 1:
Religion, Secularism, and Political Discourse in Tanzania: Competing Perspectives by Religious Organizations
Author: Mohammed A. Bakari (University of Dar es Salaam)

2011 Volume 7

Article 11:
Religion and Volunteering in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries
Author: Meredith J. Greif (Georgia State University), Amy Adamczyk (City University of New York), and Jacob Felson (William Paterson University)

Article 10:
Catholics and the Death Penalty: Religion as a Filter for Political Beliefs
Author: Thomas K. Bias (West Virginia University), Abraham Goldberg (University of South Carolina Upstate), and Tara Hannum (West Virginia University)

Article 9:
Religion, Politics, and Polity Replication: Religious Differences in Preferences for Institutional Design
Author: Joshua D. Ambrosius (West Virginia State University)

Article 8:
Building Composite Measures of Religion and State
Author: Jonathan Fox (Bar Ilan University)

Article 7:
Near-Death Experience from Serpent Bites in Religious Settings
Author: Ralph W. Hood, Jr. (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) and W. Paul Williamson (Henderson State University)

Article 6:
The Social Gospel Legacy in U.S. Foreign Policy
Author: S. R. Thompson (University of Washington) and James K. Wellman, Jr. (University of Washington)

Article 5:
Sources of Adolescent Faith: Examining the Origins of Religious Confidence
Author: Michael K. Abel (Brigham Young University-Idaho)

Article 4:
The Effect of Religious Background on Sexual Orientation
Author: Jacob Felson (William Paterson University)

Article 3:
Divided by Age?: Generational Shifts in White Evangelical Christians' Attitudes Toward Racial Diversity
Author: Darin M. Mather (University of Minnesota)

Article 2:
Estimating the Global Muslim Population: Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population
Author: Brian J. Grim (Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life) and Becky Hsu (Princeton University)

Article 1:
The Impact of Church Attendance on the Decline in Female Happiness in the United States
Author: G. Alexander Ross (Institute for the Psychological Sciences)

2010 Volume 6

Article 8:
Explaining Early Christian Charity: A Psychosocial Theories Approach
Author: Daniel Kim (University of Chicago)

Article 7:
Conversion to Latin American Protestantism and the Case for Religious Motivation
Author: Rodney Stark (Baylor University) and Buster G. Smith (Baylor University)

Article 6:
Explaining Atheism: Testing the Secondary Compensator Model and Proposing an Alternative
Author: Laura A. Hunter (University of Notre Dame)

Article 5:
Does Change in Teenage Religiosity Predict Change in Marijuana Use Over Time?
Author: Scott A. Desmond (Purdue University), George Kikuchi (National Research Institute of Police Science), and Kristen Budd (Purdue University)

Article 4:
Excluding Inclusivity: Protestant Framing of Homosexuality
Author: Carolyn A. Kapinus (Ball State University), Rachel Kraus (Ball State University), and Daniel R. Flowers (St. Mary's College)

Article 3:
Teenage Religiosity and Changes in Marijuana Use During Transition to Adulthood
Author: Jeffrey T. Ulmer (The Pennsylvania State University), Scott A. Desmond (Purdue University, Sung Joon Jang (Baylor University), and Byron R. Johnson (Baylor University)

Article 2:
Revelation and Revolution: Friedrich Engels and the Apocalypse
Author: Roland Boer (University of Newcastle)

Article 1:
Religion, Race, and Drug Use Among American Youth
Author: Sung Joon Jang (Baylor University) and Byron R. Johnson (Baylor University)

2009 Volume 5

Article 10:
Religion and Academic Achievement Among Adolescents
Author: Benjamin McKune (The Pennsylvania State University) and John P. Hoffmann (Brigham Young University)

Article 9:
Identity, Psychology, and the Psychici: Tertullian's "Bishop of Bishops"
Author: David Wilhite (Baylor University)

Article 8:
The Influence of Christian Missionaries on Alaskan Indigenous Peoples
Author: Julie Manville (Australian National University) and Ross Maller (Australian National University)

Article 7:
Pluralism as Outcome: The Ecology of Religious Resources, Suppliers, and Consumers
Author: Christopher P. Scheitle (The Pennsylvania State University) and Roger Finke (The Pennsylvania State University)

Article 6:
The Folk Piety of William Peter Blatty: "The Exorcist" in the Context of Secularization
Author: Joseph Laycock (Boston University)

Article 5:
Gender Differences in Identity Processing Style and Islamic Religiosity in an Iranian Undergraduate University Sample
Author: S. Khodarahimi (Islamic Azad University) and D. L. Cothran (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

Article 4:
Social Responsibility of the Young in Iran: Shiraz as a Case Study
Author: M.T. Iman (Shiraz University) and V. Jalaeian (Shiraz University)

Article 3:
Religion and Faith: A Decision Theory Perspective
Author: Tigran Melkonyan (University of Nevada, Reno) and Mark Pingle (University of Nevada, Reno)

Article 2:
Neighbors in the Pews: Social Status Diversity in Religious Congregations
Author: Philip Schwadel (University of Nebraska)

Article 1:
Christian City Councillors in the Roman Empire Before Constantine
Author: Paul McKechnie (Macquarie University)

2008 Volume 4

Article 7:
Religion and the Logic of the Civic Sphere: Religious Tradition, Religious Practice, and the Voluntary Association
Author: Matthew T. Loveland (LeMoyne College), Keely Jones-Stater (University of Connecticut), Jerry Z. Park (Baylor University)

Article 6:
The Secret Gospel of Mark: A 20th Century Forgery
Author: Birger A. Pearson (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Article 5:
The Faith Factor and Prisoner Reentry
Author: Byron R. Johnson (Baylor University)

Article 4:
The Complexities of Comparative Research
Author: Rodney Stark (Baylor University)

Article 3:
Religious Adherence and Military Enlistment Before and After the 9/11 Attacks
Author: James DeFronzo (University of Connecticut) and Jungyun Gill (University of Connecticut)

Article 2:
The Sociology of Buddhism: Theoretical Implications of Current Scholarship
Author: Buster G. Smith (Baylor University) and Paul Froese (Baylor University)

Article 1:
Human Development and the Demography of Secularization in Global Perspective
Author: Eric Kaufmann (University of London)

2007 Volume 3

Article 3:
Religion, Intact Families, and the Achievement Gap
Author: William H. Jeynes (California State University at Long Beach)

Article 2:
Organizational Niches and Religious Markets: Uniting Two Literatures
Author: Christopher P. Scheitle (Pennsylvania State University)

Article 1:
Religion and Philanthropic Giving and Volunteering: Building Blocks for Civic Responsibility
Author: Stephen V. Monsma (The Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics)

2006 Volume 2

Article 6:
Religious Competition and Roman Piety
Author: Rodney Stark (Baylor University)

Article 5:
Events and Value Change: The Impact of September 11, 2001, on the Worldviews of Egyptians and Moroccans
Author: Mansoor Moaddel (Eastern Michigan University) and Hamid Latif (American University in Cairo, Egypt)

Article 4:
The Market for Martyrs
Author: Laurence R. Iannaccone (George Mason University)

Article 3:
Urbanization, Religious Pluralism, Cultural Continuity, and the Expansion of Gnostic Communities
Author: Robert Wortham (North Carolina Central University)

Article 2:
Religious Motivation vs. Traditional Religiousness: Bridging the Gap Between Religion and Politics and the Psychology of Religion
Author: Marie A. Eisenstein (Indiana University Northwest)

Article 1:
International Religion Indexes: Government Regulation, Government Favoritism, and Social Regulation of Religion
Author: Brian J. Grim (Pennsylvania State University), Roger Finke (Pennsylvania State University)

2005 Volume 1

Article 12:
Retention Strategies and Religious Success: A Regional Comparison of American Jews
Author: Michael K. Abel (University of Washington)

Article 11:
Images of God: The Effect of Personal Theologies on Moral Attitudes, Political Affiliation, and Religious Behavior
Author: Christopher Bader (Baylor University), Paul Froese (Baylor University)

Article 10:
Purity and Anger: Gentiles and Idolatry in Antioch
Author: Magnus Zetterholm (Lund University)

Article 9:
Social Mobility and Sect Transformation: Testing the Regression-to-the-Mean Hypothesis
Author: Sean F. Everton (Stanford University)

Article 8:
The Gnostic Church of Brazil: Contemporary Neo-Esotericism in Late-Modern Perspective
Author: Andrew Dawson (University of Chester)

Article 7:
Does Religion Promote Trust?: The Role of Signaling, Reputation, and Punishment
Author: Richard Sosis (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Connecticut)

Article 6:
The Social and Symbolic Boundaries of Congregations: An Analysis of Website Links
Author: Christopher P. Scheitle (Pennsylvania State University)

Article 5:
Religious Competition and Revival in Italy: Exploring European Exceptionalism
Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino, Italy), Rodney Stark (Baylor University)

Article 4:
Folk Temples and the Chinese Religious Economy
Author: Graeme Lang (City University of Hong Kong), Selina Ching Chan (Shueyan College), Lars Ragvald (Lund University)

Article 3:
Niches in the Islamic Religious Market and Fundamentalism: Examples from Turkey and Other Countries
Author: Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Torino, Italy)

Article 2:
Author: William Sims Bainbridge (Arlington, Virginia)

Article 1:
The Political Origins of Religious Liberty
Author: Anthony Gill (University of Washington)

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